Hello there

This page will be all about a boy named Winston Ong
currently right now that boy is probably tired

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Winston Ong's name is
Winston Ong

He goes to a High School named Stuyvesant (Stew-v-San-Tee)


  1. He first started playing sports when he was 9 years old, he played organized basketball for 3 years at St.Athanasius. Now he plays sunday league with his friends.
  2. His first videogame was pokemon on the Nintendo Ds. His favorite pokemon game is pokemon soul silver. Now he mainly plays fps on the console, as of recent he plays Call of Duty: Black ops 4 and Apex Legends. 
  3. He is willing to play any sport due to his competitive nature but his worst sport is baseball as his ability to hit the ball with bat seems to be poor. 


  1. He loved watching Barny as a younger kid causing his parents to waste money on barny related things
  2. He then loved watching Power rangers causing his parents to waste money on Power rangers related things
  3. During his child-teen years, he loved watching bakugan and beyblade and guess what, this cause his parents to waste MORE money on both bakugan and beyblade related things 
  4. As kid winston wasted his parents money 

Random Facts

  1. His favorite food is Popeye's Chicken and after that an assortment of fruits (weird isn't it?)
  2. He was born after 2398 B.C as of now he is possibly dead (on the inside)
  3. He wishes to one day own a Ford Fiesta (out of every car why that?)